When it comes to a high-quality dartboard stand, there is no better choice than the BULL'S Vibex Mobile Dartstand. Our pro players call it the most stable dart stand of all time. It is made entirely of steel and features a vibration stopper, an innovative cross bracing between the tripod and telescopic rod. Thanks to this additional stabilization, vibrations are reduced by up to 95%. The Vibex also receives additional vibration minimization thanks to the stable four-sided tube at the top of the stand. The most stable dart stand we have ever built is completed by a high-quality tripod with non-slip rubber feet. The Vibex can be quickly set up and taken down and easily adjusted to the official height of the dartboard thanks to the simple plug-in system. The packaging size has also been minimized to 19 cm x 12.6 cm x 89.6 cm, making it easy to transport. The Vibex S is specifically designed for steel dartboards, while the Vibex H includes a newly developed holder for an electronic dartboard.
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