Bulls Pro

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  • 38,95€ *
    Der Meteor ist der ideale Einstieg in die Tungsten-Klasse. Gefertigt aus hochwertigen 80% Tungsten stehen dreizehn Barrelvarianten mit unterschiedlichen Gewichten und Grip zur Auswahl.Der MT11 ist ein langes kopflastiges Barrel mit Ringed G [...]
  • 38,95€ *
    Der Meteor ist der ideale Einstieg in die Tungsten-Klasse. Gefertigt aus hochwertigen 80% Tungsten stehen dreizehn Barrelvarianten mit unterschiedlichen Gewichten und Grip zur Auswahl.Der MT12 ist ein gerades Barrel mit einem durchgehenden [...]
  • 38,95€ *
    Der Meteor ist der ideale Einstieg in die Tungsten-Klasse. Gefertigt aus hochwertigen 80% Tungsten stehen dreizehn Barrelvarianten mit unterschiedlichen Gewichten und Grip zur Auswahl. Der MT13 ist ein kurzes kopflastiges Barrel mit Knurled [...]
  • 38,95€ *
    Der Meteor ist der ideale Einstieg in die Tungsten-Klasse. Gefertigt aus hochwertigem 80% Tungsten stehen dreizehn Barrelvarianten mit unterschiedlichen Gewichten und Grip zur Auswahl. Der MT2 ist ein gerades, schlankes Barrel mit abwechsel [...]
  • 38,95€ *
    Der Meteor ist der ideale Einstieg in die Tungsten-Klasse. Gefertigt aus hochwertigem 80% Tungsten stehen dreizehn Barrelvarianten mit unterschiedlichen Gewichten und Grip zur Auswahl. Der MT8 verfügt über einen unterschiedlich stark ausg [...]
  • 39,95€ *
    The Phantom range in excellent 80% Tungsten quality is available in five different forms, weights and grip zones. The PT3 has a continuous Wave Grip with a narrower smooth area in the middle of the Barrel. The Barrel is narrower towards the [...]
  • 39,95€ *
    The Phantom range in excellent 80% Tungsten quality is available in five different forms, weights and grip zones. The PT1 is a slim, straight Barrel with Shark Grip in the front half and Fine- Ringed grip in the rear half. Available in two [...]
  • 39,95€ *
    The Phantom range in excellent 80% Tungsten quality is available in five different forms, weights and grip zones. The PT4 has a ringed grip at the front of the Barrel that will narrow down tothe shaft and has a shark grip at the rear. Avail [...]
  • 39,95€ *
    Artos ist die neuste Generation der Dartpfeile von BULL'S. Der schlichte Dart überzeugt neben seinem Design durch hervorragende Flugeigenschaften, die außergewöhnlich für diese Preisklasse sind. Das Herzstück dieses Darts ist der silbe [...]
  • 39,95€ *
    Artos ist die neuste Generation der Dartpfeile von BULL'S. Der schlichte Dart überzeugt neben seinem Design durch hervorragende Flugeigenschaften, die außergewöhnlich für diese Preisklasse sind. Das Herzstück dieses Darts ist der silbe [...]
  • 34,95€ *
    Der Ballista ist der feine Einsteigerdart für jeden ambitionierten Dartspieler. Die moderne Optik des Darts wird vor allem durch den transparenten Schaft mit Luftblaseneinschlüssen unterstrichen. Der Barrel, als wichtigster Faktor des Dar [...]
  • 39,95€ *
    Das Original, die Retro Darts von Krzysztof Ratajski. Seit vielen vielen Jahren ist Krzysztof Teil unseres BULL'S Teams. Auf diese Retro Darts haben nicht nur Dartsnostalgiker und Sammler gewartet. Der Dart, der Krzysztof über Jahre hinwe [...]
  • 69,95€ *
    The second generation of Krzysztof Ratajski's original player's dart is also made of 90% tungsten and is available in 22g, 24g and 26g. The dimensions and design of his successful dart were retained. There is a very tight ring grip on the u [...]
  • 74,95€ *
    An outstanding dart with an exceptional shape. Brian Raman's dart is made of 90% Tungsten and is Titanium Coated. The distinctive shape of his barrel allows a more powerful throw and guarantees the same grip every time. Engraved into the no [...]
  • 69,95€ *
    BULL'S Sarah Milkowski Steel DartThe player dart from Sarah Milkowski weighs 22g and consists of 90% tungsten. . The eye-catching flight features a diamond, Sarah "Sapphire" Milkowski's trademark. The same applies to the barrel of her dart. [...]
  • 69,95€ *
    Steve's Dart is made of 90% Tungsten and is deliberately kept simple according to Steve's wishes. The dart has a constant grip over the entire ength of the barrel. Steve is an Irish darts professional who decided in 2011 to pursue his passi [...]
  • 69,95€ *
    Luc Peters Dart is Titanium Coated and made of 90 % tungsten, it has a straight black barrel and a continuous grip with three green rings. A black B-Grip-2 shaft as well as his Luc Peters B-Star flight complete the dart perfectly. The Dutch [...]
  • 44,95€ *
    The 80% Tungsten version of Krzysztof Ratajski's dart comes in 22g and 24g. The barrel shows the BULL'S logo with Krzysztof's player signature in the middle. In the upper part of the barrel, the very fine grip starts with a red and white ri [...]
  • 94,95€ *
    Precision meets design. This exceptional dart is characterized by the highest quality and a unique look. Stinger is made of 90% Tungsten and was created using high-precision CNC milling technology. This dart also has a tested weight deviati [...]
  • 89,95€ *
    An exceptional bronze appearance and the highest quality characterize the Adon. Adon is made of90% Tungsten and was created using high-precision CNC milling technology. This dart also has a tested weight deviation of < 0.1g. The bronze tita [...]
  • 89,95€ *
    Magma impresses with its impressive design. The black and red grip zones of this world-class dart are an absolute highlight. The black titanium coating creates a unique look. Magma is made of90% Tungsten and impresses with the highest quali [...]
  • 94,95€ *
    A high-end dart in an exceptional design. A modern barrel with fine grip zones. Azza is made of90% Tungsten and impresses with the highest quality. This dart was created using high-precisionCNC milling technology, and it also has a tested w [...]
  • 59,95€ *
    An own Challenger Dart own is the reward for every BULL'S player for outstanding performance. The Challenger Dart is made of high-quality Tungsten and is ideal to promote players. A dart of your own that perfectly suits the individual wishe [...]
  • 49,95€ *
    An own Challenger Dart own is the reward for every BULL'S player for outstanding performance. The Challenger Dart is made of high-quality Tungsten and is ideal to promote players. A dart of your own that perfectly suits the individual wishe [...]
  • 59,95€ *
    An own Challenger Dart is the reward for every BULL'S player for outstanding performance. The Challenger Dart is made of high-quality Tungsten and is ideal to promote players. A dart of your own that perfectly suits the individual wishes of [...]
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